Making things look nice...

Hi, I'm Joshua Gaither

My fascination with technology is about more than fixing issues; it's understanding systems in their entirety.

My Projects

This Website!

Everything you see was typed and styled from the ground up, no website builders or frameworks used, just pure HTML and CSS!

VHS BlueCut

Enjoy your cherished memories without the hassle of blue screens with BlueCut

GitHub Page

VCF Merger

A basic tool to merge multiple .vcf contacts files into one single file for easy importing to new mobile devices!

Coming Soon . . .


This will be my pièce de résistance, an all in one platform to make the lives of repair technicians easier

Tools and Skills


High-level web framework in Python, facilitating rapid and efficient development of secure and scalable web applications!


Powerful and versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability!


Breathes interactivity into web pages, enabling dynamic and engaging user experiences!


Bringing life and style to HTML elements, enhancing the visual appeal and layout of web pages!


The backbone of almost every website!

About Me

Hey there! I'm Josh, and I've been immersed in the exciting world of electronics repair for over 8 years. Throughout my journey in the industry, I've gained extensive experience fixing all kinds of mobile devices and computers. Solving software issues has been an integral part of my work, which ultimately ignited my passion for web development.

The allure of frontend design and the endless possibilities of creating captivating animations fascinate me. Crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces is where I find true joy. Every pixel matters, and I love exploring innovative ways to make websites come alive.